Exam Boards
Teaching is specific to the exam board each student is studying. We help to prepare students for: AQA, Edexcel, OCR Gateway, OCR 21st century and Edexcel iGCSE exams with 9-1 grading.
At GCSE level, we offer lessons in maths, English language, biology, chemistry, physics, business studies and economics.
Revision Timetables
Some students request help devising a revision timetable for their exams. We help students learn to manage their time well and put a plan in place so they are organised and prepared in the run up to their exams.
How are lessons structured?
For all subjects, content is covered in class with close attention to the exam board specification. With help, students make detailed notes in class, explaining everything covered in each lesson. Once a topic is finished, students will complete past paper questions to test and consolidate their knowledge. These papers will be marked, then students are encouraged to analyse exactly why they lost marks and for which question types they need more revision or practice.